What We Do







  • promote access and equity to create a city where every New Yorker can engage in culture

  • work for sound public policy that better support culture and community

  • fight for sustainable public funding for cultural groups of every size in every borough


  • Create and maintain a network of cultural groups working throughout NYC

  • Coordinate public forums with elected officials and member events to address issues of concern for communities

  • Lead social media and online outreach campaigns raising visibility and support for culture

  • Connect with citizens engaged with culture in their communities, schools, senior centers


  • Collect and collate data from a wide variety of sources on the availability, practice, and impact of culture

  • Create usable one-sheets of easy-to-understand data on culture and arts for use in advocacy efforts by members

  • Serve as a resource hub disseminating articles and studies and providing advocacy resources in the member section of the web site